British Comedy Guide

2525 last ditch Page 2

Thankss heh I do that draft thing, so people see the newest first bit the old ones still there so people cam see what was being discussed
I kinda hope the absurdity of a man marrying his Hoover bit not his toaster comes over
My favourite line is the toaster with the moster

This is really good.

there are only minor edits needed for it to go together.

Have you all gone mad it's a stupid, toaster, it can't even talk.

You monster since when has talking been a mark of intelligence?
Since the marriage part may be confusing perhaps instead of marrying the toaster he agreed to adopt it.

Like the adoption line - fits nicely.

Hope no one minds me bumping my old 2525 skits

Classic way on radio (goon show methinks) of indicating that a new character is a policeman would be, I think:

POLICEMAN: Hello, hello, hello. What's going on here then?

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