Joined as I have an idea for a new sitcom. Just jotting things down at the moment, have no experience in sitcom writing. I am starting with creating the characters, bit hard to know where to start with this. Any ideas? Should I base my characters on real people that I already know?
New here..Hi all
Hi and welcome.
I'm not a writer so I can't give you any (helpful) advice.
Hi Irish
Head over to Writers Discussion - there are several threads on character creation there. Start a new thread if you have any questions arising from that.
Hi and great advice from Jennie.
THough usually you know, when you have a story you want to tell.
Hello, welcome, I shake you warmly by the hand.
Hello there
Hello and Welcome!
hello irish enjoy your time here
hi~~I am new here too~~
Hi Pagix!
Hello Pagix
Hi Pagix