A short selection of one liners, for your delectation and comment if you please.
Translated from the original Russian, Isinbayeva means "to backpedal furiously".
New edition of the Oxford English Dictionary in the post to F R David. See, words do come easy sometimes.
Eric Pickles wants us all to put our wheelie bins away out of sight. Sometimes, willpower just isn't enough, is it Eric?
You know you're posh when you've had sex in the same room as a harp. The nearest I ever got was a quick fumble in the same aisle as the Harpic.
Plans for a Northern Ireland peace centre at The Maze have taken a turn to the left then walked straight into a dead end.
Didn't get the A Level results you wanted? Congratulations. You're now £27,000 better off than those who did.