Here's this little ditty for slating...
The homo sapien's demise began with the emergence of a human sub species known as the Geek. The Geeks invented computers, played with computers and talked of nothing but computers. Because of this, no female human was prepared to mate with a Geek, so the Geeks invented robots for companions. The Geeks also invented 'gadgets' and 'Apps' in order to distract the Non-Geeks from each other. Eventually the Non-Geeks were so enamoured with their gadgets and their Apps that they stopped talking to one another and eventually stopped mating. Before long there were more robots than humans and the only humans to be found, were the ones bred in captivity, by the robots, for their own amusement. ...
EXT - Zoo
Robot Zoo Guide - And here we are at the Homo Sapian enclosure.
Little Girl Robot - Mummy Mummy !.. Look at their funny bottoms.
Mummy Robot - Oh yes, aren't they strange.
Little Girl Robot - And Look at that one with red hair !!
Mummy Robot - How very peculiar.
Little Girl Robot - What's that ?...
Mummy Robot - What's what dear ?
Little Girl Robot - That dangly bit between that one's legs.
Mummy Robot - I don't know dear, shall we move on to the Crocodiles.
Little Girl Robot - That one's coming over to the glass, what's he doing ? .... He's leaking ! He's leaking on the glass Mummy ! Mummy I think we need to help it.
Mummy Robot - No we don't dear, let's move on to the crocodiles.
Little Girl Robot - Oh, he's stopped now.... but what's that brown lump dropping out of his bottom ?
Mummy Robot - Never mind that, let's go and see the....
Little Girl Robot - Oh it's food... It's how they make their food Mummy !.... Look he's eating it !
Mummy Robot - CROCODILES !!