Quote: gappy @ August 12 2013, 9:29 AM BSTI find that statement a little odd, as most of your responses to work on here seem to be "You're a genius, mate, keep on being improbably amazing".
How do I respond to people who Critique my work? Page 4
Quote: gappy @ August 12 2013, 9:29 AM BSTI find that statement a little odd, as most of your responses to work on here seem to be "You're a genius, mate, keep on being improbably amazing".
Nowthat's a little unfair, I'm pretty certain Jiacee was referring to harsh critics such as myself and Brian Sewell.
Quote: paul ivey @ August 10 2013, 9:34 AM BSTI think you may have a point. You're better off joining a writers site and getting advice that way. You're allowing yourself to be critiqued by people that you don't know if they even write or how much experience they have.
Letting people critique your work without any proof of their writing experience can be damaging to your morale.
Of course the people who will ultimately 'critique' your work will be an audience. Who will have no writing experience at all. Anyone can have a valuable opinion.
Not sure if it's been mentioned - not trawling through 4 pages - but you can always PM the people you respect. That's the PM button at the bottom left of each posting.
No one PMS me
No one respects me
I'm off down the park to jump in the lake
Where I will no doubt poison the ducks
And its your fault chappers you duck hater
Probably not best to PM as people can get a bit tetchy.
Just tell them to jump and sod the consequences!!!!
Found your man pants didja?
PM is a good idea, but what if I want to thank someone in the morning?
Quote: FunyHaHA Not Funy Strange @ August 12 2013, 8:57 PM BSTPM is a good idea, but what if I want to thank someone in the morning?
Has it not happened often?
Quote: FunyHaHA Not Funy Strange @ August 12 2013, 8:57 PM BSTPM is a good idea, but what if I want to thank someone in the morning?
Roll them over and give them a kiss.
Quote: Jaicee @ August 9 2013, 9:21 AM BSTTony Take it all with a large pinch of salt.Most people on this site have zero talent , skill or aptitude for writing.
That statement is rather inflammatory Jaicee, can you back it up with facts?