British Comedy Guide

I have commitment issues... Page 2

Welcome to the BSG Shorditch.

You'll enjoy it. Welcome, Steve

You are most welcome.

What are the chances of finding a thread started by someone who could be my neighbour (pseudonymous only, as my neighbours are women and not called Steve)- I thought this www internet thingy was supposed to get me in touch with people from all over the world (OK US, Canada and Oz)not some bloke whose house I prob pass every day...
Anyway...just signed up because I am passionate about British comedy esp Bill Bailey, Pegg, Stevenson(what is she calling herself these days?)and for some reason whenever I see 'famous' people they are always comedians (Pegg and Frost,French,Coltrane - he was funny once,honest, and no, I'm not talking about John Coltrane,and some others who are too unfunny for me to mention)AND Shaun of the Dead was partly filmed in the road next to where I grew up, and where my dentist is, so I feel that somehow Pegg and I are connected.
I might never leave another post, but the reason for all this wordiness and lack of embellishments is that I lack all but the basic computer knowledge - don't even know how to put in a quote - I'm pretty old you see.

Steve From Shoreditch - the less you worry about people liking you the more they will like you (well I say that , but actually it doesn't seem to work for me, but fortunately I am a burgeoning misanthrope)

Hello! :)

Hi Steve from Shoreditch's neighbour alledgedly, welcome to the BSG


Have I missed the bit where you explained what you didn't like about the Commitments?

I used to like Shoreditch. The area, not the person. Not that I've anything against the person! Yet. lol

Born Hackney, frequented Hackney Road, Bethnal Green, Shoreditch (The Horns-Browns) (yes, I'm that old!) etc.

Me dad used to have a car site top end of Commercial Street (Quaker Street).

Lived in Hoxton for a while.

Yes, I know West London very well.

Wotcha, Shoreditch.

Quote: garyd @ September 4, 2007, 12:16 AM

Yes, I know West London very well.

Laughing out loud


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