British Comedy Guide

Fly Like An Eagle-Sit Com-Scene 2

Here's the 2nd scene of the Dave Jamieson episode.If you haven't read the 1st scene already this will be meaningless to you.Next scene the comedy legend arrives.

MORNING (10.00)
A film crew are here  and are setting up lights etc.
There is a director, a camera person, sound person and an assistant director.
Liam and all the students have already arrived.
If you can tell your... er... gang , just to relax and be themselves, that would be fantastic. I'll come over and brief them in a second.
Liam gives a double take and walks over to the students who are all seated.
Sotto voce.
Listen up people the one thing you've not to do this morning is be yourselves. If that happens we're all f**ked. Fly Like An Eagle's f**ked, you're f**ked and I most definitely will be f**ked. Please! Best behaviour!

Och you ken us Liam, we're a' blessed wi' charming personalities.
You have our word , Liam. To be any other way would be unprofessional. We are highly trained, disciplined performers. Isn't that right troops?
Nods and grunts of agreement.
Director walks over to talk to the students.
Morning... gang! As you all know Cheeky Chappie Cockney Comedian Dave Jamieson...
John quickly puts a hand over his mouth. The guide dog farts.
Bless you , Stevie Boy. That's a hell of a cold you've got.
... is paying you all a visit this morning to give you a bit of a comedy masterclass.
Bursts out laughing uncontrollably. Liam and the director look at him.
Sorry! For a moment I thought you said comedy masterclass.
We'll be recording this,
Looks pointedly at Tony.
comedy... workshop as part of a documentary we're doing on Britain's most popular comedian.
Bursts out laughing again.
Just ignore me, I was just thinking of something funny this old quine said on the bus this morning.
So, just be yourselves and enjoy the fun. Let's see plenty of happy smiling faces. OK?
Grunts from the students.

Well it's better than episode one.

The swearing when Davies name joke is carried over from scene1, but changes after 2 repeats. So it's a sort of scatological rule of 3 gag played in 2 scenes. Which is nice.

And setting up the workshop is working well building the tension, which is kinda what sitcom is all about.

Are you sure you want so many characters that are so similar bouncing ideas off each other? It's more like a chorus than a cast/

I can see this as a sit com. Not enough in the two posts so far to judge fully, but already too good for BBC 3.

I liked -

Sotto voce.

Listen up people the one thing you've not to do this morning is be yourselves. If that happens we're all f**ked. Fly Like An Eagle's f**ked, you're f**ked and I most definitely will be f**ked. Please! Best behaviour!

And get the dog signed up to a long contract - he might get a sit com of his own!

Interested to read more.


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