British Comedy Guide


No I know the below would not work well in a comedy scene but I thought some of you might find it humourous anyway.....honest feedback would be appreciated.

Please find below an interview Kolo Toure apparently gave to me while I was a journalist with my own newspaper The Comical Macker during the 2011/12 season!

ME: 'So Kolo, now that you and your brother Yaya are team-mates at Manchester City what's it like rooming together on away trips?'

KOLO T: 'Well Macker, it's relative luxury as when we grew up in the Ivory Coast not only did we share a room then but, because we were so poor, there was actually five of us to a bed'.

ME: 'That's very interesting Kolo. Have you got any funny secrets to tell me about Yaya?'

KOLO T: 'Yes Macker, I do actually. My brother went to the toilet in his potty one time but his ass got stuck in the plastic contraption and we had to get the car mechanic from next door to give us some grease and a crow bar to free him. I really shouldn't have told you that though'.

ME: 'That's very humourous Kolo but I think the one thing we can conclude from that story is 'whatever Toure goes on, stays on Toure'. Thank you very much for your time'.

It's a long route to a terrible pun, but it made me do a :)

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