At long last I have just finished the first draft of my sitcom!
I started at the beginning of June and have just typed the final word! A long time, but I suffer from not having enough hours in the day! It is finished though and I see that as a little milestone. I've never written anything this long; the last time I wrote creatively and over two pages would have been back at school in 1999.
Of course theres a helluva lot more work to put into it, namely:
* More jokes
* Emphasise the characters personality traits more
* Tighten the plot up a bit more
* Having read several other scripts of classic sitcoms, I've noticed that my dialogue is a little bit too long.
* I need to get a book on the correct format for scripting!
* My scene descriptions are too in depth at times.
* My script comes in at 37 pages which is too long. Cutting down on the dialogue will help and hopefully make the whole thing more densely packed.
However, there are some positives:
* I had a clear idea of the plot and have managed to achieve what I set out to do.
* The majority of the scenes I am very proud of and they will need little redoing to them.
* Each scene pushes the plot forwards.
* I've got some very good jokes in there!
Now comes the rewrite!
I'm looking forward to the rewrite very much. The pressure of getting the basic plot down on paper is now complete - I now get to come up with some extra-funny laughs! About 6 weeks ago, I had a day off work sick and decided to have a look through what I had written up to that point. I could see lots of things I wanted to change and better dialogue to put in. It was so tempting to spend forever doing that, but I had to be firm and tell myself that finishing the first draft was the most important thing.
No idea how long the rewrite will take, but I think a month will be more than enough. I hope....