It's not very sensitive
Doctor we have to look at the overall management of both cost and use of resources at the clinic, as such the recommendations we are making reflect the best use of both whilst ensuring the minimum dilution of service.
But it's so insensitive!
Doctor I think you are being a tad theatrical. You know that every department in this hospital from A&E to your clinic is subjected to a 38% cut in funding. But we do not intend to slash and burn doctor, this is a thought out plan that has passed several patient based focus groups.
I won't do it, it's actually offensive
Doctor it is hard to see how it could be deemed 'Offensive' the NHS is currently under enormous pressure and if I was being totally honest your work at the clinic came bottom in five out of six of our surveys. It would seem that few people are interested in the work you do at the Dwarf Clinic.
But to see them two at time!