British Comedy Guide


Joining in with the mini revival of Critique...


A man sits screwing and unscrewing a piece of paper in his hands, this goes on for several minutes, folding and unfolding, rolling into a ball, unrolling, screwing up, twisting and untwisting before he rests the crumpled mass in his lap.
The woman next to him who has been watching this display nods sympathetically...

WOMAN:Nervous flyer?


MAN:Yes, but shhhh, (puts fingers to his lips) with a bit of luck he'll sleep for the rest of the flight.

This is nice, very simple piece of surrealism, I enjoyed this maybe because my day job involves planes and I see a lot of people who do fiddle nervously with anything to hand, maybe it appeals to me more, but I found it funny.

Are you a carpenter?

Thank you Julio, glad you liked it.

Teddy, stop being a plane in the ass ;)

I didn't get this one, Shandy. Is the piece of paper supposed to be a flyer? Like an advertising flyer?

Sorry Shan

That's it, just a silly idea really. I've been having a bit of a writing block lately so I just need to churn out some stuff to get back in the swing.

Your reply to me shows you're on the ball kid, I'm not on sure ground with surreal stuff Shan so I'd have a cheek critiquing it.
I get blocks all the time sometimes they can last for days, so putting stuff up is a good way of getting back in the game.
You just need someone who's into surreal capers to get a good idea if your on the right track.

To be honest I don't see it as surreal, but I don't know what the definition of surreal is, I just go with what takes shape as I'm writing.

If your not sure it's real than it's surreal (You just drop the re off sure I think? Therefore I'm jam)

I would say it's more a bit of word play than surreal.

Getting a short sketch done is always a good idea when you're struggling for inspiration. I always find it motivating as it restores my faith in being able to construct something that, at the least, works.

I got it, and liked it.

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