Here is a couple of short sketches I wrote last night, looking at them now they are kind of similar and perhaps the first one is not that original, but I enjoyed writing them, feedback would be appreciated.
(solemnly)I regret to to be the one to inform you all but Arthur has hung himself (excited) up on hard work so he can finish and present the completed project this afternoon
(solemnly)At 11.15 a.m today sadly Arthur was buried (excited) under a pile of work so he could have the presentation ready for you this afternoon
(solemnly)I hate to say it but Arthur has been crucified (excited) by this article in the company newsletter
(excited) Arthur Jones was found in the act of onanism, wearing ladies make up with an orange in his mouth...oh....dead....well there's no coming back from this one is there...
"Spanish drug addict"
"Mi nombre es John
y soy un drog adicto"
Group Leader (GL) "In english please John"
"My name is John and I am a drug addict
sorry but I can't speak spanish unless I am high"
GL "well you shouldn't be high at an addicts anonymous meeting"
John "What, I'm meant to be teaching a spanish class tonight....oh I did it again didn't I, that's Tuesday nights....well let's get on with this name is John...."