Gordon Bennett
Friday 10th July 2015 11:23am [Edited]
19,326 posts
Quote: Stephen Goodlad @ 10th July 2015, 10:03 AM BST
The 'Bottom' forum was a revelation
I thought it would be a forum for lovers of the program Bottom
Apparently not.
I wonder if Rik would like that or turn in his grave.
Quote: TheBlueNun @ 9th July 2015, 8:42 PM BST
I think that it's a true BCG classic.
Some of my favourite lines:
Quote: jrt2345 @ 3rd November 2013, 12:01 PM GMT
Our poor David has been the victim of spam on his old Bottom forum.
Quote: Will Cam @ 3rd November 2013, 7:24 PM GMT
Well this is all very weird isn't it 
Quote: Ben @ 3rd November 2013, 7:49 PM GMT
Have you noticed a pattern with your forums? In that, no one joins them?
Quote: jrt2345 @ 14th November 2013, 10:44 PM GMT
Excuse me?? Just what sort of forum is this? Slutty girls? Those are world-class models. One is *KATE UPTON*, but you idiots obviously think it is Batman. I cannot see how this sort of language is allowed on a forum. For your information we have moved forums and I am moving the topics over. I won't be telling any of you what our new forum is called.
David.. you disappoint me. I thought you were a genuine bloke. To say 'he's obsessed with girls' is a very false statement. You may notice, I am male. Male people... like girls.....
You'll never know a girl if one slapped you in the face.
All your awful, disgraceful and slanderous comments have only caused me to make this comment...
Go dig yourselves a grave and climb in it.
Quote: jrt2345 @ 14th November 2013, 10:54 PM GMT
I'll have you know many of my websites in the past have been successful. It was simply my decision to delete them.
There are simply too many to list them all here without technically replicating the whole thread.