I don't know if this will work but there's no harm in trying.
The picture shows an apple and a doctor
What could the phrase be?
I don't know if this will work but there's no harm in trying.
The picture shows an apple and a doctor
What could the phrase be?
Doc Cox?
Ok my turn
It shows the number 10
Then a picture of America
And then a Needle with some thin string coming from it
"An apple a day, keeps the scrumpers away"
The New York GP?
Well Done Lee your turn mate.
There's a picture of Mr Chips and a snake, and he's charming it.
Black Adder
Snake Charmer?
Grass Snake
Trouser snake
Python Chips?
Mr Boa?
I love the new Catchphrase back on TV...this one however hasn't quite got the same graphics...
Are we still guessing Lee's one??? snake hips.
Mr Chip's Wanking Snake Cock?