British Comedy Guide

It's official " Women are lazier than men ".

If anyone's unsure, this is satire!

Lads mag " Tasty Tets" has today published what we have all known for some time, women are indeed lazier than men.

Magazine editor Dominic Carpman states in this weeks fun packed edition,

" We can now conclusively say that Women are the lazier sex. In our extensive on line poll which asked the question, " Who does more around the house, you or your fat arsed wife ? ", almost 84% of respondent's replied that it was indeed their idle partners who did very little work whilst they seemed to be at it non stop ".

In a typical response ,Mr Andrew Trainor from Solihull, Birmingham, claimed,

" I don't know what's going on. I can be out all day working hard to help out in the local community and when I get in she's just sat there pissed out of her tiny mind with her huge f**king fat arse sticking over the side of the couch. It doesn't make my job as Reverend of St Mark's any easier I can tell you " .

In a similiar out pouring of male frustration Mr David Byrne of Hampstead, London claims,

" I work extremely long hours as any High court judge will tell you, and to be honest when I get in and see dog shit all over the carpet and my wife faggin' it on the chaise longue I do wonder what the f**k I'm doing with my life ".

When our reporter, hard working Peter Musgrove, went to interview one of the many " Slutty sloth's " named in our poll not a single one answered their doors.

" I did peep through a few windows and all I could see was lazy looking fat women either asleep or generally arsing about .To be honest it makes me thank God I'm a raving homosexual "

like that last one Laughing out loud

Quote: Kent Pete @ August 7, 2007, 5:06 PM

If anyone's unsure, this is satire!

Of what?

Mmm I like this as usual but as ever you are treading the very fine line between satire and prejudice but thats where, in my opinion the best comedy is found. My only problem with the piece is that it is essentially one joke, when I write spoof or satirising articles I try to at least include 3 or 4 jokes even if the piece is focused on one main joke. I think you can extend bits of the articles and make them more surreal.

" Of What ? "

Of Lads Mags ajp29

Quote: Kent Pete @ August 7, 2007, 5:21 PM

" Of What ? "

Of Lads Mags ajp29

OK, sorry me being stupid again :)

Nice piece Kent Pete... see you CAN do worthwhile work when you stop talking bollocks!! :)

Hi mr.pete,

I like it but would agree with the one gag comment.

My bro on 4 laughs told me about you, the fat git was wrong you don't seem mental at all.

So many 4laughs in jokes I think my brain may inplode, there it goes. I now read the Daily Mail and i'm a NIMBY. State of the art hospital? Not in my back yard! Bloody tax raising communists.

Quote: jacparov @ August 7, 2007, 6:50 PM

My bro on 4 laughs told me about you, the fat git was wrong you don't seem mental at all.

So complementary. :)

Last bit is funny, 'generally arsing about' nice!

Top marks Pete.

What does 'one gag' mean BTW? The humour is in the nihilistic style.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ August 8, 2007, 1:42 AM

What does 'one gag' mean BTW? The humour is in the nihilistic style.

Laughing out loud I mean its fine to have an article focused on one joke e.g. women are lazier than men. But, I find to sustain it you need smaller jokes like one liners to keep the reader interested or it just becomes like normal journalism, repeating the same news over and over.

Personally I didnt get it, am I stupid not looking deep enough?

I found the "Thank god I'm a raving homosexual line" just completely went past and was almost a rolling eyes moment.

The premise is there, its a good one I can see alot of potential there. The jokes are very "obvious" and maybe thats the target your aiming for and in that case thats fine, but personally I'd have made it more intelligent weaved jokes in so it could almost appear in one of the magazines. Some of the line dragged on a bit and seemed like someone thinking up humourous thins to say rather then actual dialogue.

she's just sat there pissed out of her tiny mind with her huge f**king fat arse sticking over the side of the couch

Just my opinion. Though and sorry if comes across harsh not intended. It does have the spark there just needs refining.

Not at all Gavin, all criticism is gladly received. It was written as a two dimensional piece as it was a satire of lads mags which are very black and white when it comes to certain issues. Thanks for your comments anyway.

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