Welcome to The Stumblies, the annual BCG awards honouring achievements in comedy promotion.
Trophies go to all those first time visitors fortunate enough to "stumble upon", "come across", "accidentally find" or otherwise "happen by" sketch material on YouTube, then be struck by an overwhelming urge to sign up to the forum in order to share their momentuous discovery.
Honours for 2012 went to:
Comedy Christmas song (this poster was so excited by their find they accidentally assumed the identity of the author in one post!): https://www.comedy.co.uk/forums/thread/26150#P932042
Gangnam parody (courtesy of the eternally fascinated RachRight): https://www.comedy.co.uk/forums/thread/26545#P947525
Jake Thundergroin (thanks to "pathetic fanboy" Jim Gatts for this): https://www.comedy.co.uk/forums/thread/25941#P926289
Baker Brothers (brothers in arms!): https://www.comedy.co.uk/forums/thread/25840#P923304
Be sure to nominate your personal favourites for consideration in this year's awards and make sure that the most shameless spam of 2013 gets its due!
And the 2013 nominees are...
ChristopherWhitney Chris (Laughing like a nutter at his own sketch): https://www.comedy.co.uk/forums/thread/26794/
FunnyGrl finds funny guys: https://www.comedy.co.uk/forums/thread/26978/
Jason Tuffour questions the verisimilitude of this sketch he's in: https://www.comedy.co.uk/forums/thread/27052/
Airflow loves these guys so much she posted not one, but three links to it: https://www.comedy.co.uk/forums/thread/27120/
The frightfully familiar pro spammer, Melii, simply cannot make her mind up about any of the videos she's here to shill: https://www.comedy.co.uk/forums/thread/27159/
Horror aficionado, faceless, spits on the grave of a 3.3/10 rating on the IMDb: https://www.comedy.co.uk/forums/thread/27147/
Other categories recognised by the Academy:
'The "Cheeky F**king Chancer" Award'
For services to unabashed begging...
2013 Nominees:
Nigel Ball:
"My vote goes to "chelseaboyluke" and his, you will like this and my comedy program. lol Cheeky boy."
'The "Will You Ever F**king Listen?" Award'
Awarded to the poster who relentlessly defends his work in the face of almost universal criticism...
2013 Nominees:
"Jonnners, for failing to strictly adhere to 'The Rules of Comedy Writing' and creating something so shocking, groundbreaking and potent that our boards, nay minds, will never be the same again! https://www.comedy.co.uk/forums/thread/26975/