Saturday 23rd February 2013 12:43pm
31,468 posts
Quote: Lee @ February 23 2013, 1:57 AM GMT
I totally didn't get that :/ I get it now you mention it but I was just a bit confused throughout the last bit. I don't understand why it played out for her, the way it did? I got the torment by being filmed, but the rest was just odd? Why the apocalyptic feel? The Running Man's arena would have made more sense than the little adventure she went through.
I suspect he had an idea for a post-appocalyptic drama and another idea for a drama about how to punish criminals and decided to combine them.
Although was it filmed for an actual TV show? I got the impression it was just a Justice Theme Park whereby different people came and visited each day and saw that woman suffering. I may be wrong but I didn't get the feeling it was broadscast. In fact as a TV show it wouldn't work because it would just be largely the same every day.