I am new to this forum, and to comedy. I have not much to say about that.
What would you think of me, and my act, if you heard the following joke? How does the joke function to you?
I know that there is a critique section, but I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone.
My mum just did one of her infamous 'hating the poor' speeches -"...I was bought-up that you don't get summut for nuthin', you make your own luck ner, ner, ner" I said "Well it's good that the concept of autonomy was ingrained in you at such an early age, and that you haven't subverted the notion by deviating from it, but have stuck rigidly to your pre-programed conceit of free will. Well done." I didn't really say that, instead, I just went for a run and then when I got back I kicked her in the c**t, entirely of my own volition.