Not really... Cus its not a social Enterprise. My documentaries have been funded by the BFI and Arts Council but they don't support projects this small.... This was our only option really. We have tried to borrow equipment from the local college but they cannot guarantee it for our use which is a problem.
There no point in doing it if your not going to do it properly and do justice to all the hard workthat's already been put in. We would like to have all the equipment at our disposal so we can hit all our deadlines. We want to upload 2 videos per week and we have those slots to fill on Community TV as well.
If we are having to scrap for equipment, we will be wasting valuable time and quality will be sacrificed... Like you said, the onion looks professional and the quality is high.
The onion is completely actor based, we have to convince people that our stories are true for it to work... Thats what makes us different in the sense we are getting real reactions to these false stories.
It might not work, same with any project but then the equipment is there to try something new or improve the format of this idea.