British Comedy Guide

What are you watching on TV? Page 726

It's totally amazing... car crash TV.

Oz and James Drink to Britain.



Seen the first episode of Joss Whendon's new thing Dollhouse. Strange and interesting. He does like hot girls who can kill people.

Ha. Who is the main girl in this one then?

Elisha Dushku.

Quote: EllieJP @ February 17 2009, 8:04 PM GMT

It's totally amazing... car crash TV.

Did you see the one with the girl who lived off diet coke? That was shocking!

Yeh it's not even that nice. Nicer then normal coke. Butthat's like saying being stabbed in the eye is better then getting stabbed in the ear.

Quote: Gavin @ February 17 2009, 11:12 PM GMT

Elisha Dushku.

Ohhh. Was she Faith in Buffy?

Quote: zooo @ February 17 2009, 11:16 PM GMT

Ohhh. Was she Faith in Buffy?

Yeh man.



I was just watching Atlantis half an hour ago.

Quote: Curt @ February 18 2009, 8:37 PM GMT

I was just watching Atlantis half an hour ago.

You seen the last one ever?

Quote: Gavin @ February 18 2009, 8:36 PM GMT


The original film. BBC Three.

The Hoff is on the Brits. Pleased

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