British Comedy Guide

What are you watching on TV? Page 555

I didn't watch it at the end so I don't know who was in the final, or who won, actually.

The weird elf-like one won it. The gothy weirdo came second. I think. All quite ugly.

I think I remember the goth, but not the elf.

Quote: Aaron @ December 9 2008, 11:00 PM GMT

The weird elf-like one won it. The gothy weirdo came second. I think. All quite ugly.

That is how they should advertise shows. 'Tonight the weird elf-like one and the gothy weirdo battle it out.' That would make me want to tune in to see what it was all about.

*chuckles away* Yep, I do agree!

Quote: Aaron @ December 9 2008, 4:58 PM GMT

The crown jewels have nothing to do with drink association or identification.

That's it. Twist the rules to suit yourself.

Quote: zooo @ December 9 2008, 9:20 PM GMT

Total Recall.

For the fifty zillionth time.

Do you remember it now then?

You mean, the crown jewels really are a liquid beverage? :O

Quote: Aaron @ December 9 2008, 10:55 PM GMT

But then I don't like anyone, so perhaps they were attractive.

Aaah - zoooo!

Well, obviously. :)

The Big Bang Theory. E4. <3

Don't you think Penny is starting to look a little butch?

It was just that vest top she was wearing.

Bugger, I wasn't concentrating, what was Sheldon's kryptonite?

Quote: zooo @ December 10 2008, 9:26 PM GMT

Bugger, I wasn't concentrating, what was Sheldon's kryptonite?

Mummy Sheldon.

His mother
I'm watching Attack of the Show. Man Olivia is hot!

Quote: Moonstone @ December 10 2008, 9:05 PM GMT

Don't you think Penny is starting to look a little butch?

Um. No.

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