British Comedy Guide

What are you watching on TV? Page 484

Oo, velvet! Coool!

Did you hear them say what heaven would have been?

I always watch Saturday Kitchen, but not this week and I missed Gatiss.

Did he keep making lots of jokes about toad in the hole and spotted dick?

No, he was quite shy and lovely. Well that presenter kept talking over him so I'm not surprised.

His heaven would have been salmon with some other stuff.

Ahh. (Ew. Fish.)

I only saw the last 15 min or so. :(

I just happened to turn it on, I never watch that show normally and certainly didn't know he was on.

Yeah I didn't like the look of either his food heaven or hell!

I think I've tried pheasant. In which case, it was ok, but not great.

Of course, I could be confusing it with something else entirely.

Quote: Aaron @ November 1 2008, 1:10 PM BST

I think I've tried pheasant. In which case, it was ok, but not great.

Of course, I could be confusing it with something else entirely.

We should eat more peasants.

Or at least enslave them to work our land.

More on my computer than TV, but I am watching Is It Legal?. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Watching Merlin. Arthur fancies a girl who looks about 12. Paedolicious.

Merlin was really good this week. Morgana is a hottie.

I don't understand why "Men In Black 2" on Watch + 1 ended 15 minutes early though, grr.

Kerrang channel (for a bit of mellow background music whilst I browse the net), currently advertising 'Alex Zane's 20 Biggest Rock Breakthroughs'.

Now I can't stand this talentless gobshite but it is making me wonder - is he truly a rocker? If so, fair play. If not, get off this channel and away from this type of music, you smug, arrogant bastard.

Quote: Aaron @ November 1 2008, 9:05 PM BST



A great TV moment just happened. I have quiz call on in the background (cannot be bother to turn over) and a mad stalker has just got through to the lady presenter asking why hasn't she returned his calls after they met somewhere but he forgives her because she was so beautiful. The look of panic on her face was classic. She didn't understand and just asked him to name a film.

Oh that's so coooool!!!!

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