British Comedy Guide

What are you watching on TV? Page 2,264

Pointless Round one - 14 sitcoms from the 90s.

I got all of them except one which I'd forgotten. SHM with Tessa Peake Davies, Miriam Karlin and George Costigan. I did watch it a few times.

Chris Packham in Springwatch. He does love talking about poo.

The 79'cup final on itv 4

So much hair....

Liam Brady was a wizard with the ball at his feet

Quote: lofthouse @ 17th June 2023, 12:03 PM

The 79'cup final on itv 4

So much hair....

Liam Brady was a wizard with the ball at his feet

Not in 1978 - I wonder what team that was, that beat The Arse? 😆

Jackie Brown (movie)

I've been watching Silo. Not bad, so far.

Quote: DaButt @ 18th June 2023, 3:10 PM

I've been watching Silo. Not bad, so far.

I read the first book in the series and enjoyed it, so I'll probably get round to watching this at some point.

Quote: DaButt @ 18th June 2023, 3:10 PM

I've been watching Silo. Not bad, so far.

It's not bad.
But, for my money, they're being a bit tight-fisted with the overarching plot ie the big question, if you know what I mean.
Some good people in it.

Quote: lofthouse @ 17th June 2023, 8:32 PM

Jackie Brown (movie)

Good choice! my favourite Tarantino, I even bought a book of the screenplay.

Oh I thought it was pretty average by his standards

You mean not full of flashy visual indulgences and jarring moments of shock and gore? It was the only one of his I've managed to stay with to the end, although I have to admit once seen is enough, unlike my favourite films.

Nah it's just the story line wasn't exactly gripping

Jackson and De Niro were great though

I think he overdoes the gore in his films

The crazy shit that happens at the end of Django unchained virtually ruins the film imo

Just watched Till Death Us Do Part. Not the famous Hancock episode but a Blood Donor episode.

Reservoir Dogs is a classic in my book.
And incidentally - the part where Mr Blonde talks into the ear he has just cut off wasn't scripted.

I love this behind the scenes photo. It was in a magazine like Kerrang or Raw I bought soon after the film was released.

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