Quote: Definitely Tarby @ 28th August 2019, 7:23 PM
Fascinating documentary on ITV about RAF pilots training for the F-35 Lightning II. It looks like a computer game but without the notable benefit of being able to reload and try again if you smash in to the ground. The helmets have to be specially made for each pilot so they fit perfectly as many commands are issued by the pilots eye movements.
Amazing to see yet again the English student F 35 Lightning pilot unable to "start it up" as the software would not let him log on to the plane's cockpit display. Last week it was virtually the "switch it all off and try it again" until the flight controller had to tell the cameraman to look the other way as he told the pilot how to get past the password requirement! This is an $85,000,000 aircraft, not a £300 ipad, for crying out loud. Be great if there you were 10,000 feet above the ground, flying at 1200 mph and get the Blue Screen of Death - literally, as it seems you can't fly these manually (?) 
Also, forgot to mention the accuracy at which these trainee pilots in their Hawk trainer jets have to work to, when the female pilot had to fly a one hour "sortie" north and hit a target of a barn on a remote farm with only a 5 second margin of error on each side of the designated time!! Not only had to time her flight to perfection, but as she got closer she had to filter out all the other military and civilian air control messages flying about the airways. Mind boggling, as she passed the test by hitting the target only 2 seconds early!!