British Comedy Guide

What are you watching on TV? Page 1,513

Quote: AJGO @ September 10 2011, 10:46 PM BST

Point Break! Point Break! Over excited by the mere mention!

Hee! Is an actual classic.

Quote: zooo @ September 10 2011, 10:51 PM BST

Hee! Is an actual classic.

With an awesome foot chase in. I love a good foot chase but there aren't many great ones in movies, especially now.

Ooh, it is a good'n.
*falls on injured knee, shoots into the air* Rarrr!

Quote: zooo @ September 11 2011, 12:52 PM BST

Ooh, it is a good'n. *falls on injured knee, shoots into the air* Rarrr!

*backs away slowly as realises zooo's a little too into Point Break*

Is Point Break the one with Surfing?

Yes. And you can't be too into it!

Never seen it. Looks old and generic.

Lol. You sound like one of those annoying 15 year old girls. 'Who the hell is Keanu Reeves? Never heard of him. Now, back to Justin Bieber...'

Quote: zooo @ September 11 2011, 2:32 PM BST

Lol. You sound like one of those annoying 15 year old girls. 'Who the hell is Keanu Reeves? Never heard of him. Now, back to Justin Bieber...'



Quote: zooo @ September 9 2011, 12:03 AM BST

Am watching it now. Makes the conspiracists look suitably retarded.

Just watched it and I share your opinion. What a bunch halfwits.

Only Connect. Mmmm

So what's the status on her top?


Lol. A happy day for Nil!

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