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Quote: Will Cam @ October 5 2010, 9:53 AM BST

I saw a program about Jack the Ripper the other day - he's great Whistling nnocently

I thought he was dead.

Will Cam is Jack the Ripper.

Or I could be Jill the Ripper Smarmy

The One Show. Just had a bit about a swan getting a fisherman's hook stuck in his throat.

Selfish bastard anglers! Think it's all harmless "sport".

Quote: Nat Wicks @ October 5 2010, 10:02 AM BST

Will Cam is Jack the Ripper.

A small boy who came to buy supplies at my work is going to be Jack the Ripper for Hallowe'en. :D

Howard Marks is just another self-regarding public school twat, who pissed away privilege and an expensive education in pursuit of his fantasy of being down with the Common Man. He's a hero only to other sniggering losers who believe that they too form part of some vague "counter-culture" - mockingly scornful of a society which bends over backwards to make their lives easier.

EDIT: Oh, we're not talking about him anymore. Sorry.

That's a bit harsh, Tim.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ October 5 2010, 11:06 PM BST

That's a bit harsh, Tim.

Harsh? Doesn't sound like me...

Teary I don't think I did anything to deserve this one.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ October 5 2010, 11:21 PM BST

Teary I don't think I did anything to deserve this one.

I don't understand, Nat, why are you taking this personally? Are you Howard Marks? If so, I'm sorry, nobody told me. Console

You accidentally called her a sniggering loser.

I don't think it was that accidental :(

Quote: zooo @ October 5 2010, 11:25 PM BST

You accidentally called her a sniggering loser.

Ahhh. Thanks, dear.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ October 5 2010, 11:26 PM BST

I don't think it was that accidental :(

Apologies. I wouldn't read too much into my ramblings, Nat, they're mostly just a way of letting off steam now that I can't drink anymore. I myself barely remember what I've written within about 30 seconds of posting it. I should be pitied, really.

I was really talking about the tiresome London media types who first gave publicity to Marks and elevated his book to prominence, promoting it as somehow subversive. Unless you're a tiresome London media type, please don't take offence. Hug

Okay I'll let you off then Hug

Quote: Tim Walker @ October 5 2010, 11:32 PM BST

tiresome London media types who first gave publicity to Marks and elevated his book to prominence, promoting it as somehow subversive.

Das Kapital is so over-rated.

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