I'd like to say it was the worst thing ever. Of course, it wasn't. It was just rubbish. There were a couple of moments I liked: the arguments in the shop were not bad, and when he phoned up it was real Meldrew territory. I Also liked the over-zealous Health & Safety woman, who got a frisson from the idea of shutting down the M25, there could be mileage in her - although "Elf n Safety is a waste of time" is a comedy dead end, so I hope they don't play too heavily on that side.
The domestic scenes were atrocious, and the toilet business, whilst well-played, was a waste of time, not least because I simply didn't understand the problem - if all he wanted to do was wash his hands, why didn't he do it in his kicthen sink? If you don't spend your mornings clambering round the public toilet, you probabnly don't need to wash your hands so much.
And a water cooler in the toilet?