Saturday 4th August 2007 3:22pm [Edited]
5,335 posts
EDITED - coz I'd didn't realise that seeing a UFO and disbelieving them would be considered madder than not seeing a UFO but believing in them.
Hi Leevil
Was it near? Far? Did you hear sound? In your case, the biggest clue was in your opening, the army base being nearby. For years, residents in Rachel, Nevada reported seeing a weird black triangle in the sky over Area 51, then the yanks unvielled stealth bombers / fighters. Those UFO sightings became reclassified as IFOs. Weird crap goes on around bases all the time.
Although I've seen two UFOs I don't actually 'believe' in UFOs. Work that out, eh? 
The main reason I don't believe in traditional UFOs is because I don't believe in the addage 'seeing is believing', just look at Hollywood films for proof that seeing isn't necessarily real. I think 1) our senses continually deceive us 2) It's known that our senses and our mind's interpretation of them practice latency and sampling. That is the mind assumes or fills in the gaps between samples. We've all seen examples of this with optical illusions like the impossible triangle or the 4-legged chair with only three legs 3) Our mind doesn't like loose ends and it possibly fills in an explanation for something that seems unnatural.
The other reason I can't grasp the traditional UFO is that aliens are so (apparently) advanced, can whizz around the galaxy, breaking Newtonian laws, and yet still can't devise a NHS CAT scan machine. Instead they treat us to cavity searches that would embarrass the most brutal medieval inquisitor. How many arses do they really need to see to work out that we are the same species as Michael Jackson?
EDIT - there followed a tedious discussion on the nature of reality and the physical universe which made me appear madder than a cackling Bond villian with an army of mongoose henchmen as my finger hovered menacingly over the switch of a coffee frother.
Now that's very much like me.