Saturday 18th July 2015 10:12am
51,287 posts
I watched about 5 minutes and can I suggest before you film you're next one work on the script.
You're suffering from an excess of implanted gags, over narration and samey characters.
Basically you've 4 characters who sit around and discuss notionally funny things, then ping pong the dialogue between each other.
Nothing much really happens and you don't really expand the details.
So year 12 hacked us
I gave them all gaydar profiles
Doesn't really work at all. I dunno accelerate it, maybe they all could murdered by a paedophile, serial killer, radio DJ?
But seriously don't look as your script as a vehicle to just drop jokes into. You need strong distinctive characters, in a workable setting, with relationships and see how the script grows from their interractions. Then chuck in a really great story line from page one that has them all scrapping like mad dogs.