British Comedy Guide

First attempt at a sitcom pilot.

Just recently finished a draft of my first attempt at a sitcom.

I would love to get some feedback to see what I would need to work, and hopefully there would be some positive notes too.

I typed it up on Celtx, so I'm just wondering what would be the best way for me to show the episode to people on this website?
Is there a place that I could upload it?

It's the first thing I've sort of finished so I'm not sure which is a good way to go about it.

Thank you to anyone that responds.

Post the first three pages here in Critique - you might get a few general comments back.
If it takes any one's fancy, you might be able to persuade them to read it for you - in which case you can PM them.
If it doesn't, you might want to take a closer look at it.

Bear in mind, asking people to read a whole pilot is a BIG deal.

Yeah asking someone to read the full thing on this may be a big ask.
I'll post the first three pages this week, hopefully I get some feedback.
Thanks for the advice.

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