Tuesday 5th February 2013 11:01am
9,132 posts
Just been working with some software called 'Scrivener'.
It's actually a very flexible tool for all kinds of writing/research projects - you can pretty well tailor it to suit anything you're working on- and it allows you to keep everything, research, photos, music, webpages, index cards etc all inside the one project file and always to hand.
BUT within it is a pretty good script template package.
I normally work on FD8, but for my latest thing I had a ton of research in my Scrivener file and wanted to work 'within' it, so to speak, so tried out the screenplay formatting function.
It's not half bad - and , for my purposes will export to FD8 if I need to get it to someone in that format.
It doesn't have all the production tools that you get in FD8 & MMSW, but for writing, it's brilliant.
And it's less than £30.
I'd heartily recommend it