Couple of things I've been keeping on a notepad.
1. If I could travel to any period in history, I think I'd definitely go back to Star Wars.
2. A golden tip of comedy is to write about what you know, but there's only so many fat jokes I can think of before I get hungry again.
3. On explaining my arachnophobia, I'm often met with the response that I'm just being silly and they're far more frightened of me. I don't think that's true, as I've never seen a spider run out of the room screaming like a girl when it sees me.
4. Growing up, my elders would always chastise our reliance on ever more expensive toys, saying when they were children they had to think up their own entertainment. It wasn't until I was older I found out their generation grew up with LSD.
5. I think there's a problem with my cat. She's very distant, even going as far as to walk out of the room whenever I pet or feed her. I think the problem is she's not a dog.
6. When we were kids we'd always steal materials from the chemistry lab at school, but without any real instructions our crazy experiments would always end in disaster. But that's all changed with the growth of the internet. Now I can just go on to YouTube and watch some other idiot blow themselves up instead.
7. I don't listen to the radio, but I still pick up the phone saying "I listen to Long Wave Radio Atlantic 252", just in case. I wouldn't want to miss out on £20.