1) Shambolic, a fake testicle!
2) I went to a university that specialised in the study of cheese. I am now part of their Halloumni.
3) I was bullied at school by this girl who kept calling me names so I went to the library to find a book to help me. I found 'To Kill a Mocking Bird' it was no use at all.
4) My girlfriend just ate half the candyfloss in our loft. She will be in intensive care for two weeks.
5) I was on a training course and the trainer said we are going to do the domestics. I thought great role play so I punched her in the face!
6) My girlfriend told me my libido was too high, I said that must be why I keep winning! She said no you're thinking of limbo.
7) Catamaran = A stupid cat.
8) If I ever catch anyone who is into voyeurism I tell them to take a long hard look at themselves.
9) I bought my girlfriend a candleabra for her birthday but it melted and her boobs fell out.
10) Excuse me I am looking for a book called "I want to show I'm slightly surprised using linguistics" by R B Damned.
11) Cajun Chicken is frowned upon by responsible egg sellers.
12) My mate has a really violent reaction to acronyms, I told him I thought he was a bit OTT.
So what do you guys think.