We see an old fashioned wireless close up. 'We are sorry to say that from midnight tonight we are at war with Germany.'
We zoom out to see a room covered in Nazi memorabilia.
Man 1 - Well that's it then. What are we going to do with all this stuff?
Man 2 - Get rid of it quick!
Man 1 - Oh yes you said, lets collect as much Nazi stuff as we can. Hitler's great and if we keep it, it will be worth a fortune! Another brilliant idea there!
Man 2 - Well how was I to know, he seemed such a nice man, he looks like Charlie Chaplain.
Man 1 - Lets face it there will never be a market for this stuff.
Man 2 - No from now on people will only want to buy allied stuff, all this Nazi stuff will be seen to be in very bad taste!
Man 1 - Yea afraid so, I'll go and start a bonfire.
Man 2 - Good idea, tea?