British Comedy Guide


I've been particularly constructive today so I was wondering what othe people have done thats constructive recently considering the old folks are always banging on about it.

I've thought about being constructive. What particularly constructive thing did you do?

Well I wrote some comedy things for Newsrevue and other people. Also I actually pulled my finger out and sorted out all these bills I had left over from uni. Considering my day usually consists of doing nothing I thought it was pretty constructive.

Lol, nice one. I've been messing about with Flash drawings today and *thinking* about teaching myself again, so I can start doing my own animations. But the key word is *thinking*, if you see SBF's Congrats thread, you'll see all I managed was a weird drawing of The Simpsons.

My constructiveness:


Leevil, I think if you and I were in a constructiveness contest we would proabably lose Laughing out loud

At least we managed to enter, c'mon people, give us credit for that!

Ah, f**k you all...

Laughing out loud

The irony of this thread is that this is the most constructive I've been today.

I've been re-writing the board. That's kind of constructive.

I had incredibly constructive discussions with my new boss who flew over from the US to meet me. So constructive, he asked me to move to Austin, Texas to work. He just needs his bosses approval to make it happen.

I got my other bosses approval last night (The wife), so here's hoping.

What's in Austin? My Uncle worked somewhere like that for a while. I forget where. For NASA. Some kind of scientist. *shrug*

Yes NASA are close by, but will be working for Freescale Semic0onductors (Was Motorola). Loads of big companies there.

Also, lots of golf, cowboys, indians, 10 gallon hats, cheap steak's, cheap cars, cheap petrol, cheap houses. Housing in general is half the price, twice the floor space. Everyone drives gas guzzling pick up trucks. It's gonnae be great!!!

Let's just hope it doesn't fall through!!!

So in other words, quarter of the price!

And whilst all that does sound good, you're still in America... :(

Yes but I will raise the average intelligence level of the US by quite a big chunck. Maybe even taking it out of the negative levels.

Well done Rosco, hope it works out for you

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