British Comedy Guide

Live from the Other Side!

Live from the other side! It's..

"This Is Your Death!"

EAMONN: Hello and welcome to this week's "This Is Your Death". Today's guest is a superstar celebrity DJ, famous for his charity work.

DJ: Now then now then! NeeeurgUHurrUHurgh!!

EAMONN: He was born in Leeds, Yorkshire and attended St Feelalot's Infants, where he made quite an impression.

FEMALE V/O: Oh yes. Even at that age, you could tell he was going to go too far!

EAMONN: Yes, it's that little girl from behind the bike sheds you thought you'd forgotten! Please welcome..

SUPERMAN and BATMAN enter holding hands and proceed to snog EAMONN full on the chops, closely followed by ARTHUR PILCHARD carrying a red-hot poker, who

I genuinely have no idea what this means?
Why are Batman and Superman involved?
Who the hell is Arthur Pilchard?
Where's the punchline?

I think STT may have been abducted half-way through the punchline.
Call the cops.

It was probably them who took him.

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