British Comedy Guide

Stupid car stickers or signs

I saw one that said "Princess on Board".

I thought I should warn them not to drive down any tunnels in Paris.

Oooo, controversial! Laughing out loud

Quote: David Chapman @ July 28, 2007, 11:42 PM

I saw one that said "Princess on Board".

So Dod-i.


If you can read this you are driving too close.

What titwank would put that on there back window.

I want one that says "If you cant read this you is an illiterate cock.

The best one I ever saw was stuck on the back of a Porsche, it said:

I'd rather be driving my Toyota!

Quote: David Chapman @ July 28, 2007, 11:42 PM

I saw one that said "Princess on Board".

I thought I should warn them not to drive down any tunnels in Paris.

Shouldn't that be "Princess on Dashboard?"

or "Di on Board"

I never understood

Caution: Children on board

what is it a threat? the cchild may all of a sudden explode and cause the car infront to veer dangerously into on comin traffic before emergency stopping? What possible effect to my drving experience will the car infront having children? It's bollocks they should put the signs on the side so when I pull up along side one of those horrors to park I know just to drive on. Parents who dont teach their kids tht kicking doors open as hard as they can should be shot! no should be beaten to death with a car door. My car looks like the drivers door has got into the ring with a boxing miget! dent scathces every where.

Caution: Pissed of Driver on board is prone to shouting at Gremlins for dinging his door and punching the Parent that allowed said dinging to happen with so much as a raised voice.

Bit of a long sign but think thats it. Or

Caution: If you drive up to a junction Full pelt when I'm coming up the road mminding my own business. Have a bag ready, you will be taking you teeth home with you in it.

How about...




Hostage on board

or if you were a surfer.......

Board on car!

of if you were listening to radio 2 debate about young drivers....

Bored on board

Or if therewere a load of disinterested directors of a wood company in a car they could be Bored Board board on board.

Bored wood directors surely not? dont they while away their hours think how much wood a wood chuck, chucks if a wood chuck could chuck wood?

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