Saturday 13th October 2012 9:28pm
Royal Berkshire
69,996 posts
Quote: Renegade Carpark @ October 13 2012, 3:14 PM BST
The idea that the same culture is still active within the BBC is laughable, much like racism and sexism. The Beeb is one of the most puritanically PC middle class playgrounds you could imagine. You'd probably get sacked if you admitted to smoking cigarettes.
And it's exactly that kind of casual attitude that let Savile go unquestioned for so long. 
Quote: Alfred J Kipper @ October 13 2012, 3:48 PM BST
They should've acted on the well known rumours to stop it getting to the damaging inquiry stage. That's what I meant. Their complacency is staggering in not even looking into rumours about things which happened under their roof FFS! They just fobbed it all off like the late deejay did.
If they'd taken the strong rumours seriously and discreetly blackballed all Saville repeats ten years ago when they did the same to Glitter then their own reputation would be safe. But no, they block a Newsnight revelation prog on him and show a worryingly sychophantic Saville tribute prog instead. !!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Auntie! >_<
Or, more likely, they never investigated because it was common knowledge, and they felt that if they'd kept it secret for the past 40 years, it'd never come out.