Michael Monkhouse
Tuesday 25th September 2012 8:53am [Edited]
Eternal City
7,954 posts
My fave quote on Mitt Romney came from Berlusconi. 'An incompetent half-witted clown with no understanding of the complexities of political thinking.' Can't remember the quote.
One day people shall look at Prince William and say 'He's the prime representative of a country.' Now they say it without the final syllable... Mind you, Harry's a bit of a contender. You can knock both final syllables off that one.
NHS cuts again. Shame as I suffer from premature ejaculation and diarrhea. Easy come easy go, that's me... Don't laugh, I don't know if I'm coming or going. Like I said...
Kate Middleton topless with William AGAIN. Three in one picture.
They're bringing back Desert Island Discs. Imagine you're on a desert island - no hope, no future, no food... You think 'God I miss Justin Bieber.'
It's the fiftieth anniversary of James Bond. The only bond that's made a profit.
Prince Harry's the typical English person: goes out, shy at first but has a bit to drink then he's irritating.
We asked Liam Gallagher 'Remember the first time you were drunk?' He said, 'No, I was drunk.'
If you must have sex with a gypsy, use protection. A gas mask.
Hooligans burnt my house down. Arson fire. And the rest of me.