A Horseradish
Thursday 3rd October 2019 12:01am [Edited]
8,475 posts
Sorry - I'm daubing my paints everywhere for which apologies but it is only enthusiasm.
Can I do a couple of lesser known County Durham Paddys? I hope so. Then I will retire. The first, little known, is a round I think. Row Row Your Boat. Frere Jacgues. Three Blind Mice. These are rounds. It starts in the 16th Century. You get it in Haydn. I'm not sure that I know of any other attempt than by the brilliant god that is Brian Wilson. God Only Knows is a round, No one knows that, Not even God, Anyways, Real (new) Life is Just Around - a round, geddit?, - the Corner. Genius.
Real Life:
So, the greatest songwriter of the 1980s and he had far more genuine competitors than history recalls becomes enigmatic and cultist. Well, he always was. Didn't want to be a star, Alleged to have over a hundred albums in the vaults only to be heard once he's gone. Christ, if that isn't good reason to outlive him I don't know what is. We could find in our 90s the resurgence of music which links back to Cole Porter, Disney, Lennon and McCartney, 10CC and Morrissey and Marr when they were viable. He goes downhill. Tinnitus. Terrrible tinnitus. Severe deterioration of eyesight. Not a Specsavers thing. A serious disease. He listens to all night radio. Phone ins. Nothing else to do. None too impressed although touched in places. And I mean really what an awful situation. "I Trawl the Megarhertz" is released in 2003. It has none of the typical vibe and is a challenge but then true to form. Love him. It isn't an easy ride. An uncommercial thing with an American woman which presents the stand out points of those phone ins. It is gloom. But it is also him and it is also like nothing else and it is extremely artistic. This year, what happens? It's re-released not under his own name but obtusely Prefab Sprout:
I Trawl The Megahertz:
Between the last Prefab album which was ages ago and this, we did actually get a Prefab album of sorts. And f**kin 'ell - pardon my language - when I heard it I thought omg, gobsmacking, this beats the pants off all else and I want it played at my funeral. So, yep, if I do move NE it isn't just in the name of Al Hull but also to promote Mcaloon. I love these guys:
God Watch Over You:
(what a lovely lovely picture that is as well)