Quote: john tregorran @ 13th July 2019, 12:28 AM
A cat and a goldfish ?
An accident just waiting to happen.
There is a cat. There are 365 bowls. It's mainly art but it is also to advance our understanding of feline psychology. Some things are known. When cats run round in circles chasing their tail, there is a thunderstorm coming. You are in Australia. Consequently, read dustbowl. When they bring in the heads of mice it's their version of wearing a studded leather jacket in a South London drill music video. And when they claw their way into your crotch, they expect and encourage it to be an erotic experience while also saying "but don't stick that thing in me". This goes beyond all those givens. My fish come first. Derek especially. Being moved every five minutes, none of us has a clue anymore which day it is. I find that sensuous..
Quote: Gordon Bennett @ 14th July 2019, 9:27 PM
Homecoming - America
Hat Trick - America
X - Chicago
XI - Chicago
Best Of - Kansas
Greatest Hits - Run-DMC
Focus 3 - Focus
Worlds Apart Revisited (Live) - Saga
Oh - I do love a bit of America. This really is the ultimate cheering up me freedom song as long as you remain in your own imagination and never go there to get your head blown off. That is, I haven't and never will. The furthest I ever ventured was Greece. It was fair enough. That heat melting ice creamed yoghurt. But I want to be in an open top sports car with a busty bird who is in personality the most patient mental nurse on the globe. An angel with the wind in her hair and able in her nostrils to separate fresh air and lizard juice from body odour. A plus is a contradictory olfactory outlook on petrol.
Hey, I'm on another who gives two hoots to the audience reception roll.
I'm pleasurin' me'sel.