Gordon Bennett
Saturday 10th December 2016 9:17pm [Edited]
19,326 posts
Quote: George Kaplan @ 10th December 2016, 8:26 PM
Nice. Where do you tend to buy your stuff online? How do you decide what to buy when - if you see what I mean ie you probably have a huge Wish List? Why did you happen to buy those three albums now? Are you deal/offer orientated?
I'm trying to buy my stuff as cheap as possible so I'm comstantly on the look out. Sometimes there's this urge that makes me buy something to a relatively high price, a brandnew Sones album or a hard to find Little Feat cd for example, instead of being patient and wait for a special offer.
"Why did you happen to buy those three albums now?"
I'm trying to complete my ELP collection for some time now. I saw the new ELP deluxe editions to a very good price in my local store, so I decided to buy their 74 live album. Coincidentally Greg Lake died the next day. 
I found Nugent's second album in a bargain bin at the same store on the very same day. I bought that as well and liked it. So I did a little research on Ted Nugent on the homepage of my favourite online store (a Swiss one) and found his debut to a very low price. Ted Nugent's no nonsense approach to r'n'r made me suddenly think of J. Geils so I searched for them as well and found that beauty called Blow Your Face Out to a good price.
That's how it works most of the time. A mix of opportunity/special offer, impulse, associative thinking and the will to fill the important gaps in my collection.
Where do I find my stuff?
1. The local store I mentioned.
2. the swiss online store I mentioned and amazon(.com/co.uk/.fr/.it)
3. flea market (I have some good connections there)