British Comedy Guide

Alright n' that

I've watched this thread from afar, got sucked in to the point where I signed up n' everything. So... hi.

About me:

I had a girlfriend once.

Do you like comedy?

Is that a trick question?
I feel like something awful is going to happen no matter what answer I give...

It was not exactly a trick question...but in the section about yourself one would expect something about your comedy tastes and not about past girlfriends.

Let me rephrase it: what comedy do you like?
By the way...hi & welcome. Wave

Hello Gordon

Well I'd say any of these really...

Alan Partirdge (in all forms and incarnations)
Fawlty Towers
The Thick Of It (Didn't particularly care for Veep I'm sad to say though)
Father Ted
The Office
Peep Show
you know the rest...

And yourself?

Some American shows...

Partridge, Mighty Boosh, Ted, Fawlty, Porridge, Blackadder...and a big big OFAH fan.

I'm discovering some of the really old classics such as Dad's Army at the moment

Ahh Blackadder... Forgot that.

Have you seen The Good Life? That's a great oldie. Or To The Manor Born

Hello there Wave

Hello! Very friendly bunch here, aren't you

We are indeed, have a biscuit.

It hasn't been passed around in a circle, has it??

Not a circle, no ;)

Welcome, Carnegie.

Hello there

Thank you both, thank you.

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