British Comedy Guide

Why do I find Pam Ayres so funny?

My name is Mr X and I am a Pam Ayres Fan. Normally Mrs Ayres would be my idea of comedy hell, but I find her really funny, I love Ayres on Air, I love her stage shows, I even love her poems. Am I ill or is she, as I secretly think, a comedy genius.

Well she hasn't been successful for so long through being rubbish! I sometimes find her amusing too, but I know what you mean, she's not my usual type of comedian either.

Sales of her poetry books in the 1970s must have been astronomical (at least in Australia). They are among the most commonly found titles in the charity shops and secondhand bookstores. I enjoyed reading them as a child. Might have even had a Pam Ayres record, or at least heard her on the radio/TV enough times to still recall her voice. I can even recite lines from "I Wish I'd Looked After Me Teeth", which was unsubtly drummed into me as a cautionary tale.

She was nice and normal in a time when nice and normal was nice (and normal).

Ayres on Air series Four started on 4Extra today.

I followed her on Twitter after listening to her a few times on Radio 4 recently. Twitter can be a bit like the 1970s a times, full of bitterness, rancour and discontent, so it's quite refreshing to have Pam popping up with her witty rhymes every so often.

Quote: Agnes Guano @ October 7 2012, 11:36 AM BST

I followed her on Twitter after listening to her a few times on Radio 4 recently. Twitter can be a bit like the 1970s a times, full of bitterness, rancour and discontent, so it's quite refreshing to have Pam popping up with her witty rhymes every so often.

I know she's like a breath of freh air, she never fails to cheer me up, something of a feat in this day and age.

Don't worry, Pingl, Pam Ayres is ace. End of. Do you remember that meat advert she did?

Someone I remember always being on as a kid, but no recollection of her act, a bit like Hinge and Bracket.

You are missing out, Youngian.

I recommend an immediate course of hypnotic regression to rekindle those gems of verse locked away in your unconscious mind.

Or maybe just do a YouTube search instead.

Her Twitter feed is lovely. So lovely.

I saw a second hand volume of her poetry at the weekend and didn't buy it. In my defence my leg was hurting and I was very grumpy. I'll get back there though don't you worry.

I wonder if Pam Ayres will adopt me.

Quote: Agnes Guano @ October 25 2012, 10:16 AM BST

I saw a second hand volume of her poetry at the weekend and didn't buy it. In my defence my leg was hurting and I was very grumpy. I'll get back there though don't you worry.

I wonder if Pam Ayres will adopt me.

No I sent my begging adoption letter first! How very dare you Angry

A recent poem from the lady.

Let's raise a glass to Philip Green
in Monaco with wealth obscene
There he stands upon his yacht
I name this ship "The Pension Pot!"

Quote: Chappers @ 3rd May 2016, 11:57 PM BST

A recent poem from the lady.

Let's raise a glass to Philip Green
in Monaco with wealth obscene
There he stands upon his yacht
I name this ship "The Pension Pot!"

She's funny because she is the only person in MI5 who completely understands the ordinary person.

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