British Comedy Guide

Whatever happened to Arthur Pilchard?

Quote: Stylee TingTing @ August 31 2012, 4:39 PM BST

For example.. I've been here about 18 months and in my time have seen several great ideas that could and should be published on an independent media website, yet the trouble is with most of them (World of Will excepted) is that the creators/brainstormers never ever follow their ideas through. Rarely happens like that. It's the get-up-off-my-arsers who make breakthroughs, not the ovine crowd.


Arthur Pilchard is currently resting in a monastic order of monks who are not only silent, but also entirely humourless.

He is ever watchful.

But 3 monks keep a close eye on him; mike hunt, ivor biggun, and Antijoke wide-anus-likes-sodomy.

Then he'll be stuck there forever.. maybe if Supes gave him a magic kiss, he might find another "retreat"? Rehab chez Stylee? Just say the word and I'll put him up for a week.. and then return him.

Waddya gots to lose, except everything?


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