We see the captain of a cruise liner standing on the bridge; he has his hands behind his back and is rocking to and fro on his heels looking very satisfied.
There is lively music being piped about the ship. Next to him is a junior officer who is also looking happy.
The captain then looks out the glass onto the fore deck with pride as he comments.
"That midnight Pirate fancy dress party you organised is going well, Jenkins"
"Thank you sir, I'd have to say myself I'm surprised at the size of the turnout. The passengers didn't even look that excited. To be honest I only had thirty definite and forty maybes. Now look at it, there must be three hundred out there dancing"
"Wait a minute they're not dancing"
"There not old or white either!"
A sailor rushes in without knocking and falls on the floor, he has a knife in his back.