One or two of you may remember me from about 3 years ago. I remember many of you fondly and hope you are all as well as a group of comedy writers can be (a bit twisted really). Well, I'm back with feature screenplays to pimp, a sitcom to get out there and a talent website (Starryid) to build (If I posted a link I may be accused of spamming so please Google it, have a walk around and post a profile!). I'll be back on the feedback forums in the next couple of days. Speak soon
I'm back!
I remember you. Hello again!
Hi Fred,
very looking forward to your sitcom!!
Hi Lee, thanks a lot for the warm monkey welcome! What's changed around her? I feel like an expat returning to the UK in ridiculous clothes
Hi Gordon, Thanks, I'll post an extract over the weekend, It's Colonel Tucky's Chicken Shed, about a fried chicken joint staffed by redundant professionals and run by a jumped up sociopath for whom the mythical Colonel Tucky is a God figure.
Hmmmm....making me feel peckish.
Hello Fred
Hi Nicky, don't be peckish, Col Tucky's chicken is mostly perineum, powdered beak and that dangly orange bit
Quote: Fred Peters @ August 31 2012, 8:08 PM BSTHi Gordon, Thanks, I'll post an extract over the weekend, It's Colonel Tucky's Chicken Shed, about a fried chicken joint staffed by redundant professionals and run by a jumped up sociopath for whom the mythical Colonel Tucky is a God figure.
Fred, I'm trying to imagine which comedy actors could play the roles in your sitcom. Do you writers think about that as well or is the casting completely up to the channel/executives?
Well it's a good idea to have actors in mind. Producers source them but sometimes writers can contact actors direct and get lucky
I remember you as well, Fred! You still writing comedy songs as well?
Hi Ben, I remember you too! Haven't written a comedy song for ages. Baumski was the daddy when it came to those Been so busy developing StarryID and trying to get feature films made for no budget that I've been away from the BCG circus (missed it tho).
Quote: Fred Peters @ August 31 2012, 10:54 PM BSTCol Tucky's chicken is mostly perineum
A barse burger!
Belated hellos, by the way.