Lee Henman
Monday 3rd September 2012 10:36am [Edited]
5,183 posts
Apologies for the radio updates but BBC Radio Cleveland are currently debating the show again in a phone-in. An old Asian guy was just on and I had to transcribe what was said for you (or the gist of) while it's still fresh in my mind.
Mohammed, you're on the air. What did you think of Citizen Khan?
Well I didn't like it. I mean I only saw it once but I won't be watching it again. You must stay away from religion, it's not nice to have religion in comedy.
Okay, so what was it specifically about the show that offended you, religion-wise?
Well. Religion is not something you should bring into a comedy show.
Yes but what part of the show offended you?
(GETTING A BIT UNCOMFORTABLE) Well I'm not going to go into the ins and outs of it here, I don't have time, but I just didn't like it, that's all.
(LONG PAUSE) Right...
You know, there was a show years ago that was very good, I'm a senior citizen so you'll probably be too young to remember it. It was called Mind Your Language, that was a great show, very funny!