Official reasons why your sketches weren't picked for the BBC's 'Play & Record'...
1. They probably didn’t get your email.
2. The person reading your sketches probably misunderstood them.
3. They probably only picked sketches that would APPEAR to come from sketch writing ‘newbies’ and clearly yours were too ‘professional looking’.
4. Your sketches were simply ‘too funny’ and would have stood so far above the others selected that it would not be appropriate to include them for continuity reasons. You’ll do better when everybody else ‘catches up’ to your level.
5. Your sketches have been ‘stolen’ because they were so good. They will be rewritten and will appear thinly disguised (but legally someone else’s) on some future broadcast.
6. They identified from your material that you are a ‘comedy geek’ and automatically binned your plagiarised, amateurish tripe!
7. The stuff you sent was so crap the guy who read it had to go sick for a week.
8. Your gags were all nicked off of Jim Davidson.
9. You’re a tw@t.
10. You didn’t submit any sketches, as all your current material has been accepted for paid commissions elsewhere. See 9.
Mine weren't picked and I guess it's 9. in my case!