Hi Everyone,
The time has come once again to ask for your one-liner submissions for the second Kirrin Island: Summer Shorts!
As has been said previously, we'll be putting out the KISS2 podcast in the next couple of weeks, but to keep things ultra topical we'd like to slot in some up to the minute one-liners.
You can use the same format as before for one liners, but we'd also like to continue with the Kirrin Island Twitter angle, too. So, if you've got any good Kweets that would fit the format for Kwitter, you can do that too. Here's a great example from KISS1:
This appalling summer has been caused by a weather system arriving late and miles from where it should be. #easyjet-stream.
You can post your submissions in this thread any time up to 5pm on Thursday 23rd August.
Here's a first one to get the ball rolling:
I really enjoyed all the music at the Olympics Closing Ceremony, but I'm pretty sure Freddie Mercury was miming.
Thanks everyone, and good luck!